Our primary service area (green-shaded area on map below) contains towns and cities in a 30-mile radius of zip code 92507 (Riverside, Ca.) We will gladly travel beyond our primary service area to cover an additional secondary service area, up to approximately 70 miles (shown in yellow on the map.)
We assess a travel surcharge depending on your distance from us. Use this handy application to find your distance from our location. (Please use the “Driving Distance” in the results shown.)
See the Travel Surcharge chart below the map for surcharge amounts.
Travel Surcharge
30 miles or less: Included in package price
31-40 miles: $20 Surcharge
41-50 miles: $40 Surcharge
51-60 miles: $60 Surcharge
61-70 miles: $80 Surcharge
Over 70 miles? Please call for pricing.
You will be able to specify your distance/surcharge when booking.
We provide the very best Birthday Parties, Corporate Events, School and Church Parties, Family Reunions, and Tailgate parties in SoCal. Our service area includes:
Don’t see your town or city listed? Just outside of our service area?
Contact us and see if we can bring you the ultimate party!